Hey everyone!
I haven't posted anything in about ... a weeek and it feels like ages. I think I finally got used to it without knowing. I've been traveling all over SCOTLAND! Nah, just kidding. (and I didn't have wi-fi; that's why I wasn't able to post). I haven't travelled exhaustively, there is so much to see in this country! In my next visit I would love to see the highlands.
I went to St. Andrews the first couple of days and let me tell you, the view over the cliffs is simply breathtaking. You are in awe not only at the beauty of nature but at the history of the place. Almost every building is around 300 or even 400 years old, they each seem to tell a story, to hold a secret.
Right now I'm eating pain au chocolat and raspberry yogurt at the 'Servisair Lounge' in Edinburg Airport. My mom and I only stayed two days in this city - we didn't realize there was so much to do here! The positive side to not having been able to really see much is that we are very eager to come back.
So much has happened these days - it's amazing. Doesn't it seem that at home days just pass by unnoticed? That's why I love traveling: I feel awake
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